Dental Implants

Dental implants are a tooth replacement option offered by our dentists that can improve your oral health and quality of life. They give your smile long-lasting results by mimicking the appearance, feel, and functionality of your natural teeth. Call Herriman Heights Dental Care at (385) 361-1652 if you are missing one or more teeth to find out if dental implants in Herriman, Utah, are the best option for you. Make an appointment with one of our dentists right away!

dental implantDental implants can be used to replace one lost tooth, many missing teeth, or entire arches. They are long-lasting, stable tooth replacements. A titanium screw-shaped post is surgically inserted into the jawbone at the location of the missing tooth. It restores the missing tooth root and guarantees the stability of your restoration. It then frequently takes a healing period for the bone to start fusing with the biocompatible post.

The dental implant restoration, or replacement tooth, which fits on top of the implant post, will then be inserted by our dentists after this healing phase. Your implant repair could be a crown, bridge, full or partial denture, depending on which teeth are lost and your specific needs. Every implant restoration is designed to order to comfortably and attractively fit your smile.

Your smile can return to its ideal state of health, functionality, and attractiveness with a replacement tooth. The fact that an implant is made to feel, look, and operate exactly like your original teeth, and that with proper care, it can last a lifetime, makes it an excellent choice for repairing your smile. Call or come see us soon to learn more about the advantages of implant dentistry and to book your implant consultation.